ICantori of Walla Walla University, Kraig Scott, conductor
March 24, 2024 | 4:15 PM

Icantori (Italian: “the singers”) is the select choir of Walla Walla University, an auditioned group chosen from the 1,500-member student body, enjoys a history of touring that began in 1929.
The ensemble has traveled extensively in the Pacific Northwest and western United States and appeared also in Canada, Russia, and Romania. Since 2011 they have performed at venues including The Cathedral of Christ the Light (Oakland), St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral (Seattle), St. James Cathedral (Seattle), Christ Church Episcopal (Tacoma), Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (Portland), the Co-Cathedral of Saint Theresa (Honolulu), the historic Kawaiaho’o Church (Honolulu), Peachtree Road United Methodist Church (Atlanta), the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (New York), St. Patrick Cathedral (New York). Their repertoire focuses on classical music but includes a wide variety of styles. The choir regularly performs for the 2,000-member Walla Walla University Church of Seventh-day Adventists and offers a major concert each quarter on campus.
A native of British Columbia, Kraig Scott has made recital appearances throughout North America, Europe, Korea, and China. He has presented recitals and master classes at many institutions such as the Eastman School, Rutgers University, Westminster Choir College, the Universities of Alberta and Washington and for various chapters of the American Guild of Organists. In February 2018 he became the first John D. Hamilton Visiting Professor at the University of Oregon teaching organ and harpsichord students and performing three recitals. This season (10 November 2019) he performed the 40th anniversary recital of the installation of John Brombaugh’s Opus 22 organ at Christ Episcopal Church in Tacoma. As a collaborative artist he has worked in a wide range of styles including frequently with Janet See (baroque flute), Zuill Bailey (cello), Marc Vanscheeuwijck (baroque cello), and Joseph Brooks (clarinet). He has appeared with singers Elias Mokole, Charles Reid, James Brown, and Tom Netherton, baroque violinist Eduard Melkus, gambist Margriet Tindemans, harpsichordist Arthur Haas, violinist Kurt Nikkanen, and conductors Helmuth Rilling, Robert Bode, Anton Armstrong, and Joe Miller. Since 2009 he has conducted the choirs of Walla Walla University and currently serves as Washington state collegiate chair of the American Choral Directors Association. Under his leadership I Cantori, the select choir of Walla Walla University, has performed throughout the western United States and Canada, Hawaii, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Scott has led festival choirs throughout the Pacific Northwest and directed the 400-voice choir of the SDA International Choral Congress in Bucha, Ukraine. His organ, harpsichord, and piano students have won many competitions, appeared on NPR’s “From the Top” and been heard at regional and national AGO and MTNA conventions.