St. James Groups

Young Adults
Our once monthly gathering of young adults in their twenties and thirties for a light supper, conversation, and prayer. Check with the church office for time and place, as we meet in people’s homes.

Men’s Group
The Men’s Group is a loose-knit volunteer organization of men at Saint James’ who meet for monthly fellowship to explore their lives as Christians in this world. It welcomes the participation of each and every man in the parish. It provides a chance to get to know one another, and to engage with each other as members of this faith community. About fifty parishioners are on the mailing list. Each month about a dozen or so members from the Group gather at the home of one of the participants, for a social hour and dinner, followed by a general discussion. Conversation springs from a topic or brief reading contributed by a volunteer moderator, and often moves off in mysterious, sometimes hilarious, ways. In addition, each year has featured a weekend retreat.
Women’s Retreat
As well as involvement in serveral of the parish ministries, each year the women of St. James’ embark on a local weekend spiritual retreat.

Sunday School & Childcare
During the 10:30 service, our children meet in the parish hall for their own “Service of the Word,” which follows the readings heard in the “big church”. They engage in discussion, music or a craft related to the teaching. Afterward, they are reunited with their families in the church during Communion so that they can participate in and learn about traditional liturgy and worship.
Going with the premise that all children benefit when exposed to Christian formation, even our littlest ones get to participate. Childcare is offered in the Parish Hall during the 10:30 service alongside Sunday School. This not only affords parents easy accessibility to their children during the service if needed, but it also enables toddlers to mingle at their own leisure and participate in their own way with what is happening with Sunday School and the “bigger” kids.