St. James Ministry
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Pastoral Care
Clergy are always available for pastoral emergencies and for pastoral counseling. If you are in need of a conversation with a clergy member, please call

Food Pantry
The Food Pantry gives food once a week to needy families and individuals distributing on average about 900 bags per month, serving a monthly total of about 1700. The pantry is open on Thursday mornings from 8am-9am. Volunteers are always welcome for preparation and distribution of food bags. Please contact:
Friday Soup Kitchen

Every Friday at 5pm, St. James’ offers up a hot meal for approximately 100 guests. We are always looking for volunteers for either food preparation and serving. If you are interested in participating in this vital ministry, please contact:
Fr. Kim’s Street Ministry
This ministry has been focused on two main tasks for serving street people in need. The first began in the year 2000, and it continues to provide instant food (such as cup noodles), drinks, and socks to some forty people (day laborers who want jobs) around the intersection of Olympic Blvd. and Normandie Ave., and Ardmore Park, every Thursday at 11a.m. The second task, begun in October, 2009, focuses on the management of the Homeless shelter, at 811 S. Fedora St. in Koreatown. There are 14 occupants currently—40 previous occupants left the shelter either because they got new jobs, or died, or went back to Korea—and most of them serve as volunteers to the Food Pantry.
Intercessory Prayer Group
St. Paul’s admonition to “pray ceaselessly” guides St. James’ Intercessory Prayer Group, which has grown from a handful of prayer ministers twelve years ago to a group of over 60 people. Prayer requests obtained from pew prayer cards, letters, telephone calls and other sources are compiled into a monthly list and sent to ministers, who offer daily prayers of intercession and thanksgiving as requested. The group also actively solicits prayer requests from St. James’ Soup Kitchen clients. In addition, an emergency telephone prayer chain serves immediate prayer needs. The prayer ministers hold no meetings; each is duty-bound to offer prayers on his/her own schedule. Each minister promises to maintain the confidentiality of all prayer requests. The ministers often receive notes of thanks and witness to healing, which are offered to God in thanks that the ministers have been chosen to be instruments of the work of the Holy Spirit at St. James.’

Every Angeleno Counts/Homeboy Industries
Each year over 10,000 formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women from across Southern California come through Homeboy Industries’ doors in an effort to make a positive change. They are welcomed into a community of mutuality, kinship and respect. And they receive a wide variety of services ranging from tattoo removal to anger management and parenting classes so they can move on from Homeboy Industries and become contributing members of the community – knowing they count. Join members of St James as we participate us as runners, walkers, donors, sponsors, volunteers or cheerleaders!