Boy Scout Troop Ten is the oldest Boy Scout troop in the United States. Since 1914, Troop Ten of St. James’ Church has introduced boys in the mid-Wilshire area to life in the outdoors, through hiking, camping, swimming, fishing, boating, and other outdoor activities aimed at developing young men whose Scout Oath pledges them to be “physically strong, mentally awake,
and morally straight.” Troop Ten also engages in a number of community service projects, including cleanup at the Taste of Larchmont, volunteering at the St. James’ Soup Kitchen and the One Voice Christmas Charity (handing out presents and food
to 300+ underprivileged families in East Los Angeles) and volunteering at the downtown Midnight Mission.
Currently, over 70 boys along with fourteen adult leaders, belong to Troop Ten. The Scouts have also had overnight campouts at the Malibu Creek State Park, attend Camp Cherry Valley (for the 32nd year) and attend the Log Cabin, a high adventure camp in the mountains where they teach survival and outdoor skills. The Scouts represent eight different local public and private schools and virtually every ethnic group and income level in the area.
Cub Scout Pack Ten is comprised of over 38 boys in the 6-10 age bracket with eight adult leaders. St. James’ recently reached Gold level in our Journey to Excellence. St. James’ has continuously sponsored Pack Ten for seventy-five years. Cub Scout activities included a broad range of activities like the Rocket Academy, hiking in the local mountains, excursions to Echo Mountain and Hart Museum, planting Easter flowers for St. James’ Church, and carrying on the traditional with our annual Pinewood Derby program. Programs are aimed at having fun and developing self-reliance and teamwork.